Monday, August 13, 2012


I have been on a marathon these past two days. Not the running kind ;D, but I was busy baking for Eid Fitr. I managed to bake 5 different cookies in two days. It probably doesn't seem a lot for a professional baker, but it sure was a handful for me. I really need to manage my time more efficiently next time.

Monday, August 6, 2012

I was at church when I learned the news that my friend had lost her dad early in the morning. I couldn't concentrate afterwards. My thoughts were with her, it makes me realize how precious time is. 

Sunday, August 5, 2012


"Honesty is hardly every heard
And mostly what I need from you..."

- Honesty, Billy Joel 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Possibly, Maybe?

I am still on the fence about restarting my Pilates training. I have asked my chiropractor repeatedly (bless his heart for being patient or at least appearing to be one), when will I be able to do yoga or even Pilates. He said, he can't say for sure since my elbow is still unstable. He also added that I can try to do Sun Salutations to test if I'm strong enough. I got the impression that elbow bursitis can't be 100% cured, or maybe it will take a verrry long time to recover.