I finally went to a masseur yesterday. I have always been reluctant to go to one, since I have heard how painful their massage might get. I wasn't going to some fancy, relaxing massage spa; but it's the healing kind.
My brother was very convincingly persuasive, "It won't hurt", he said. OK, it's not painful, I might as well try; I have been having this elbow bursitis for too long now.
I think my brother and I need to redefine his definition of "hurt"! When the masseur pressed on the exact point, ohhhhhhhh em geee, did I scream! It was so painful, I sounded like an animal was going to be slaughtered. I always.. alwayyys avoided THAT particular part, but oh nooo, he pressed on mercilessly!
5-10 minutes of that excruciating massage felt like endless for me, I felt like Donkey in Shrek, "Are where there yet.. are we there yet?". I hate to admit, but the pain became less afterwards (either that or I was going crazy numb
Right now I don't feel a huge bump on my elbow, it's still slightly swollen and feel uncomfortable when I lift and bend that elbow. But it's a HUGE progress compared to 2 days ago. The masseur said that my elbow bone was badly bruise, not on the flesh, but directly on the bone joint *ouuuch*. He also said there was no elbow displacement. So relieved to hear that, but not thrilled about the pain. I guess that's something I need to endure in order to fully recover
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